typically aren’t lined up outside your place of business waiting to do business
with you. And your phones probably aren’t ringing off the hook with them
calling to buy your products. If they are, you can stop reading now. However,
if customers are important to your business, as they are to most, once you get
them, you want to make sure you hold on to them, preferably for life. Good Customer services support is very
essential for any business.
Following these tips will put you on the path of “keeping customers for life!”
enthusiastic! If you want to WOW your customer, the way to do it is with
enthusiasm. Let them know you are happy to help them and happy that they have
chosen to do business with you.
your customer’s name. Dale Carnegie once said, “There is nothing sweeter than
the sound of one’s own name.” Using the customer’s name shows you are
interested in them.
even if you’re on the phone, and especially when you’re on the phone. A smile
can actually be heard over the phone. You will sound friendly and interested in
what the customer is saying.
Pay attention to what they are saying. The customer should have your undivided
attention the entire time they are on the phone with you, or in front of you in
your place of business.
empathy. Doing so lets the customer know that you heard what they said and that
you have a genuine interest in helping them.
them what else you can do to help them. Show interest in them and their needs.
your customers for calling. They are plenty of other companies that do what
your company does, and yet this customer chose to do business with you. Let
them know you appreciate them and their business.
Customers for
life is not a myth. It can and should be your reality. By following the tips
above, you can create customers for life and turn them into raving fans. And
raving fans always tell other people about their experiences. So good customer services support can prove to
be very beneficial for your business.
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